10 Tips For Landscape Design In Dry Areas

There is no denying that any landscape design will be constrained by the location it is being created in and more specifically, what the climate is in that area. For example, the types of plants, shrubs, and grasses that will thrive in cold, damp climates is going to be somewhat different than those that can be planted in those climates that tend to be dry and hot.

Given that we are based in Western Australia, we would suggest that the latter of those two climates is going to more applicable given that for much of the year evaporation exceeds rainfall, and we have areas that see no rain for 6 months at a time. Your plans will also change drastically depending on personal preferences such as the plants you want, whether you want a pool installed or a large open area, limestone flooring or composite decking installation etc.

Of course, not every region of WA is as dry as that but in general most landscape designs need to be on the side of there being a lack of moisture and lots of heat, making sure you implement fire services protection to fight a possible fire. This then brings us to consider what kinds of landscape design would suit the drier conditions that we experience.To give you some idea as to what can be achieved, here are 10 landscape design tips that are best suited to dry areas.

  1. If you live in a dry, hot area then it makes sense that you consider plants that are well known for being grown in those kinds of conditions. Research areas where there is a lot of sunshine and little rain and see what garden services and landscapers are planting there.
  2. Plant your flora and fauna when they are small. Larger or older pants tend to have roots systems which are shallow making them more prone to suffering from heat and a lack of moisture.

7 Landscaping Design Ideas For Gardens Without Lawns

There is often a misconception that landscaping design invariably includes a lawn or larger areas of grass, but that is simply not the case. There are numerous reasons why a landscape design might not include grass areas, with the simplest of them being that the garden that is being designed does not have a lawn.

Whether the lack of a lawn is a result of the homeowner choosing not to have one, or the garden in question cannot have one due to soil or other horticultural problems that prevent it, will vary from garden to garden. The good news is that the lack of lawn does not prevent an awesome landscape design from being created, and if you read further you will see we have outlined no fewer than seven landscaping design ideas for such a lawn-free garden.

Stones/Paving: The scope for using stone and/or paving within a landscape design is almost limitless given the number of options available. This applies not just to the types of stone and paving that can be utilised, but also to how they are incorporated into the landscaping design. Examples include the simplistic such as an unassuming paved patio or a more decorative option which is to use stones of multiple sizes, colours, and shapes to create walkways throughout the garden.

10 Points To Consider Before Adding Artificial Grass To Your Landscaping

When landscapers are asked to create a new landscape design for a homeowner’s garden, one feature that often gets asked about is artificial grass. Artificial grass continues to be popular, and increasingly so, primarily due to the advances in the technology used to create it, which means modern artificial grass is the closest it has ever been to looking and feeling like the real thing.

Of course, it is not the real thing, and according to Principal Landscapes, there are several factors that homeowners must consider before opting for artificial grass. It is also the case that some have chosen it based on myths and misconceptions and been surprised or even disappointed that it was not how they expected it to be.

That is not a criticism of artificial grass, as it is an excellent option for many landscaped gardens, both domestic and commercial. However, if you are considering it for your landscape design, then it is important that you do so armed with all the facts on artificial grass and that you have considered the pros and cons. What follows should help you achieve those aims.

#1- It Is Low Maintenance NOT “No Maintenance”: One of the biggest myths that surrounds artificial grass is that it is maintenance-free. It is not. Yes, it requires less maintenance than real grass, but you still need to clear it of debris and rake it occasionally to keep its appearance.

Five Reasons to Include an Outdoor Dining Area in Your Landscape Design Plan

Without praising them too much, outdoor dining areas are great. We believe that every homeowner should weigh up the pros and cons of including one in their landscape design plan, especially if you have a lot of space and live in a good climate.

As you can imagine, there are a lot of benefits associated with building an outdoor dining area. We’ve trawled the internet and drawn on our years of industry experience to bring you the following list of five reasons to include an outdoor dining area in your backyard.

  1. They Are Great for Entertaining

Outdoor dining areas are great for entertaining friends and family. This is especially true if you’re lucky enough to live in a part of Australia with a warm, dry climate that isn’t too hot.

Including things like a BBQ, fancy lighting and an outdoor dining suite as part of your outdoor dining area will only make it more functional. Really, who would say no to sitting under the stars with a cold drink on a warm summer’s evening?

  1. They Are Attractive and Require Little Maintenance

If you lead a busy life, then the chances are that you don’t want to design a backyard which requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep. Fortunately, outdoor dining areas paired with a few plants in garden pots are simple and require very little looking after, other than a quick sweep or wash down from time to time.

Choosing The Right Stone Cladding Material For Your Home

Stone cladding is a very versatile building material that can be used for a wide range of applications. It is tough, durable and weather resistant, which makes it perfect for both indoor and outdoor applications in trying Australian conditions.

However, according to Stone Cladding Perth it can be difficult to choose the right type of stone cladding for your needs. Cladding comes in a huge range of colours, textures and styles, and you might find it pretty hard to choose a style that suits your home.

With this in mind, I’ve put together a short list of the things that you should think about when you’re trying to find the right stone cladding for your home. These include:


There are many different styles of stone cladding with different textures. Some claddings offer a rough, rustic look, while others are smooth and uniform. When you’re choosing the right cladding for your home you need to think about a few things, including:

  • The style of the rest of your house.
  • What sort of texture appeals to you.
  • What sort of look you’re going for.

Thinking about things like this should help you narrow down your choices according to the texture that you want.

Environmentally Friendly Landscaping – Garden Design

Designing an environmentally friendly garden can be a fun and rewarding process. Unfortunately, most landscape design is only concerned with making sure that you get the best-looking garden or yard possible, rather than making sure that your garden is environmentally friendly.

However, there are a lot of things that you can do to transform your backyard, and make your garden more environmentally friendly and sustainable without compromising on style and looks. Some of these are very simple, while others will require more long-term effort. Consider the following:

Reduce your synthetic fertiliser use:

Synthetic fertilisers are extremely bad for the environment, especially when used in excess. Although there are a lot of alternatives out there, many people continue to use nasty, chemical-based fertilisers.

When designing your garden, the first thing that you should do is make sure that you have good soil. Add mulch and organic matter is necessary – things like grass clippings and animal manure are always good for your soil. If you can source it, you can also add some sort of mineral fertiliser. If you have poor soil, then consider planting things that are adapted to this, as they will cope better without synthetic fertilisers.

What Should I Consider When Designing my New Yard?

When it comes to designing a new yard, many people choose to use experienced landscape designers. However, a lot of people also decide to design their yard themselves, either because they can’t afford to use a landscaper, or because they simply like doing things themselves.

Designing your own yard can be a fun and rewarding process. However, it can also be difficult. There are a lot of things to consider when coming up with a master plan for your new yard, including:

How you are going to use your space:

The first, and possibly most important consideration is how you are going to use the space that you have. Are you going to dedicate most of your yard to garden space, or do you want to include a large entertainment area? Thinking about this will help you get an idea of the basic layout of your new yard, and can help simplify the design process with a landscaping expert.

Who is going to use your yard?

Another important consideration is the people who are going to be the main users of your yard. For example, if you have pets or kids, your end design is going to be a lot different than it would be if you didn’t. Make sure that you also consider any people who are likely to visit you or use your yard, such as grandchildren or other relatives. Although in this case they won’t be the main focus of your design, they should be considered. For example, if you have grandkids who visit regularly, you could install a swing set or other play equipment.

5 Tips for Choosing a Turf Farm to Buy Lawn From

Buying a new roll on lawn has never been easier when designing your yard. Some people buy from wholesalers or other gardening shops, while others decide to buy directly from a turf farm. Turf farms are probably the best option if there is one near you, as they can deliver high quality, fresh-cut roll on lawn at an extremely affordable price.

Landscaping Sydney advise that If you are lucky enough to live near a few different turf farms – which you probably will if you live in a big city – you will need to choose the best one to buy your grass from. Choosing a turf farm can be difficult, but it starts with choosing one who has a good reputation and who can deliver a high quality product on time and at an affordable price.

Our top five tips for choosing a turf farm to buy lawn from include:

  1. Compare prices:

The first thing to do is to compare the prices of turf from different farms. Some farms will be aiming for a more upper class market, which means that they might charge more for the same product. Others will deliver poor quality products, but probably won’t charge a whole lot. Decide on your budget, and then shop around a bit to decide who offers the best prices for the types of grass you need.

  1. Pay attention to their reputation:

A turf farm with a lot of experience and a decent reputation should always be your first stop when it comes to buying roll-on grass. A lot of turf farms try and sell off their second-grade products to direct buyers, so make sure that you read past customers reviews to see if they have tried to do this before.

Using Native Plants to Create a Sustainable Garden

When it comes to developing a sustainable garden, many people choose to leave everything in the hands of their favourite landscape architects. However, it can be extremely fun and rewarding to do things yourself, especially if you have a tight budget and a bit of time on your hands.

If your aim is to create a sustainable garden which can be enjoyed by you, your family, and all of the area’s wildlife, then there are a few things that you should think about. One of the best ways to make your garden sustainable – with Australia’s tough conditions – is to use native plants.

Why should you plant natives in your garden?

To begin with, native plants look great, are usually easy to grow, and don’t require a whole lot of attention. Historically, people have chosen not to use natives as garden plants, instead opting for species from places like Europe or the Americas.

Unfortunately, the climate in these places is usually a lot cooler and wetter than in Australia, which means that these plants are not suited to our climate. This means that they need a lot more water to thrive, and often need a lot of synthetic fertilizers and other chemicals. Natives do not, as explained below.