10 Tips For Landscape Design In Dry Areas

There is no denying that any landscape design will be constrained by the location it is being created in and more specifically, what the climate is in that area. For example, the types of plants, shrubs, and grasses that will thrive in cold, damp climates is going to be somewhat different than those that can be planted in those climates that tend to be dry and hot.

Given that we are based in Western Australia, we would suggest that the latter of those two climates is going to more applicable given that for much of the year evaporation exceeds rainfall, and we have areas that see no rain for 6 months at a time. Your plans will also change drastically depending on personal preferences such as the plants you want, whether you want a pool installed or a large open area, limestone flooring or composite decking installation etc.

Of course, not every region of WA is as dry as that but in general most landscape designs need to be on the side of there being a lack of moisture and lots of heat, making sure you implement fire services protection to fight a possible fire. This then brings us to consider what kinds of landscape design would suit the drier conditions that we experience.To give you some idea as to what can be achieved, here are 10 landscape design tips that are best suited to dry areas.

  1. If you live in a dry, hot area then it makes sense that you consider plants that are well known for being grown in those kinds of conditions. Research areas where there is a lot of sunshine and little rain and see what garden services and landscapers are planting there.
  2. Plant your flora and fauna when they are small. Larger or older pants tend to have roots systems which are shallow making them more prone to suffering from heat and a lack of moisture.

Kitchen Trends That Won’t Go Out of Fashion

One of the hardest parts about kitchen renovations is the fear that whatever design you decide will ultimately go out of fashion. You would have just spent a lot of your hard-earned money on the new space, and the last thing you want is for it to look dated within only a few years.

However, you may be able to avoid that issue if you go with timeless features and designs that don’t age. These below could be some of them.

Earthy and Wellness Designs

In recent years, kitchens that promote social get-togethers and feature light colours, greenery, and natural materials have been in hot demand. They are the epitome of lightness, brightness, and space without taking on a defining design that could go out of style in the near future.

These kitchen styles also generally feature one paint colour and gain their style through the use of accessories. As a result, they are a timeless kitchen design that would make any homeowner smile.

Two-Tone Cabinetry

Storage is an important factor when creating a new kitchen. As a result, many people install wall to ceiling cabinetry that caters to their needs. Once you paint that cabinetry, it’s easy to find yourself with challenges on how to break up the colours. By asking your cabinet makers to install two-tone cabinetry, the colours are easily broken up.

This involves adding an island bar or counter of a different complementary colour. Having two colour tones is undoubtedly a trend that never seems to go out of fashion.

Four Reasons to Install Eco-Friendly Plumbing

Eco-friendly plumbing is becoming increasingly popular across the world. As technology advances, our ability to save water in our homes and workplaces is improving rapidly. And, with the state of the world’s water resources as they are, it’s crucial to conserve water wherever possible.

With this in mind, we decided to look closer at eco-friendly plumbing, its benefits, and a few reasons you should consider installing it. In the rest of this article, we’ve outlined these reasons in more detail. They include:

  1. It Will Help You Save Water

For starters, eco-friendly plumbing is one of the best ways to save water. Since the world’s water stocks are as low as they’ve been for millennia, this is absolutely essential.

There are numerous ways that your plumber can implement eco-friendly plumbing to help you save water, including:

  • Water will flow slower, so you will use less water on showers and general washing-up activities.
  • Things like toilets will use significantly less water.
  • Appliances like dishwashers and washing machines will be more efficient.

As you can imagine, these are far from the only benefits. We’d recommend speaking with your local plumbers for more information.